HATer Clothing UK

Are London based distributors bringing you a balanced catalogue of energetic yet elegant merchandise to your door. In the United Kingdom we are very particular about fashion and are often used by others as an example & inspiration around the world. Therefore we pride ourself in being ‘‘The Most Wanted”.

A Saudi prince saw a bunch of HATer Hats while in Taipei, loved them so much that he decided to team up and open a HATer store in Saudi Arabia…
— Soy, Youtube


In 2012 IDC group in Hong Kong and Blinker brand of Taiwan decided to launch a small line of unique hats into the local Asian market under the name HATer Snapback. Within 6 months the hats were featured on hypebeast.com and began appearing on import to exclusive retailers in the US. Some music and fashion celebrities quickly jumped in to support the underground startup and before they knew it, the small start up went global.

Hater Snapback can now be seen in several larger retailers while still maintaining close ties to their boutique roots. The brand’s unique flavour has now set a new benchmark for trends in headwear design worldwide.